My wife and I did IVF it was our 4th attempt( we originally did IUI the previous 3 times). My wife was told that her cervix was shortening at our 20 week ultrasound.. the on base doctors recommended her to get this cerclage surgery but they said the very rare side effect would be her water break.. well her water broke at 21 weeks.. they did test and Avereigh was doing well as well as my wife so they discharged her n sent her home on modified bed rest then a week later she started bleeding so we rushed back to the hospital and again Avereigh was fine but the hospital on base at Yokota AB Japan doesn’t have a NICU so they had to ask the local Japanese hospitals if they would take us and admit us.

Finally Tokyo Metropolitan said they would take us. We were admitted that evening to a hospital with nurses n doctors that didn’t speak English. Then 3 days later at 22 weeks 5 days they did an emergency C-section Avereigh came in weighing 1 pound 4 ounces. It went perfectly. They warned us if the chances of survival.. I guess in America chances of survival are less than 20% in japan they gave us a 50% survival rate.. she had a pretty low key journey in the hospital.. we were on edge the entire time.
But she had a stage 1 brain bleed that closed on its own, a hole in her lung that closed on its own and had zero surgeries thruout her 3.5 month stay in their hospital before we were medivac from yokota to triplet medical center in Hawaii where we were supposed to stay one night then go on to UC Davis in California.

Avereigh didn’t handle the flight well her body crashed n triplet decided to keep her until almost discharge so we spent another month there in Hawaii. We were told she would go home with oxygen without a doubt n about a week or so before we left Hawaii she cane off oxygen completely and then they sent us off to UC Davis just for precaution as I was getting stationed at Travis AFB California! She is now almost 8 months old and weighs around 11 pounds
No eye surgery no disabilities no nothing fortunately for us! She is a true fighter !